What you mean reinstall?

If I am right, u will destroy it first current cluster and redeploy it

kolla-ansible -i multinode destroy --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

Nguyen Huu Khoi

On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 10:22 AM Cakra Wirabuana <wirabuanacakra85@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm a new OpenStack user from Indonesia, and for the past few weeks I've been having trouble installing OpenStack even though I've been following the steps in the link https://btech.id/en/news/cara-menginstall-openstack-menggunakan-kolla-ansible/#

So, it looks like I decided to do a reinstallation, but I don't know if I should uninstall the old one first or what.

Is there any guidance that can be given to me to do this reinstallation?

Thank you.
Cakra Wirabuana