
I use a custom designate sink driver to detect when VMs have been deleted in order to clean up associated resources specific to our cloud: certs, proxies, etc. When deleting proxies I relied on the find_records() call to get a list of IPs associated with the deleted VM; for example:

  records = central_api.find_records(context, crit)
  if records:
     ip = records[0].data
     LOG.debug("Cleaning up proxy records for IP %s" % ip)
     self._delete_proxies_for_ip(data["project_name"], ip)

Now that the find_records() rpc call has been removed I'm at a bit of a loss. I don't think I can call back into nova for the IPs because by the time sink knows about a VM deletion it has most likely already been deleted from nova.

Can anyone suggest a workaround for answering the question "what IPs were associated with that VM that just got deleted?" Or, better yet, is there someplace else in my infra where I should have my special deletion handler outside of designate-sink?

Thank you for entertaining this very obscure question :)
