On 5/7/2019 10:26 PM, li.canwei2@zte.com.cn wrote:
Some notes:
1, Watcher updates its data model based nova versioned notifications, so you
should enable nova notification in your simulated environment.
Sure, this shouldn't be a problem in a devstack environment.
2, Watcher needs node name getting from CONF.host or socket.gethostname,
If you have two or more controller nodes they don't have same host name.
When you say "node name" do you mean the name of a nova-compute hypervisor node, i.e. what is returned from "openstack hypervisor list"? Or do you mean something specific to Watcher itself? The former is already supported in devstack using fake computes [1].
3, Watcher doesn't consider nova cell, now watcher filter nodes through host
aggregate and zone. You can get more info by CLI cmd: watcher help audittemplate create
Yup, that's fine and is part of what I want to test. I wouldn't expect Watcher to know anything about cells anyway since there is no REST API or notification about those in nova.
4, Watcher needs metric data source such as Ceilometer, so your fake nodes and VMs
should have metric data.
Hmm, is this where the ceilometer agent pulls metric data from the hypervisor (libvirt) directly? If so, that could be a problem for me if I'm using the fake virt driver in devstack to do some scale testing since that's not a real hypervisor. There would be notifications from nova for servers getting created and deleted and such, but there wouldn't be a real hypervisor to pull data from for the ceilometer agent. Honestly I'd like to avoid using ceilometer at all if possible but I'm also unfamiliar with gnocchi and monasca, but I'll probably try to get one of those working first. Looking at the Watcher configuration I shouldn't depend on ceilometer anyway since it looks like the datasource is deprecated? [2] I am a little confused about that because the configuration docs talk about using ceilometer (maybe those are just out of date?) [3].
5, For optimizing resource utilization, I think you could use strategy [1]
Thanks I'll try it.
6, There are two audit type:ONESHOT and CONTINUOUS in Watcher, you can get
more help by CLI cmd: watcher help audit create
Thanks for all of the help here. [1] https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/guides/nova.html#scaling [2] https://docs.openstack.org/watcher/latest/configuration/watcher.html#ceilome... [3] https://docs.openstack.org/watcher/latest/configuration/configuring.html#con... -- Thanks, Matt