
Well, first of all in Yoga we don't send any logs with rsyslog. This is deprecated since Train I guess, and we haven't managed to fully remove roles and reference in docs.
All logs are stored in systemd-journald. Logs from containers are available on metal hosts. You still can forward journald to rsyslog, but maybe you want better central logging solution overall?
As example, in ops repo we do have community-driven role for elk deployment https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops/src/branch/master/elk_metrics_7x

Another way can be to use journald-remote, and we have playbook and role for that as well:

But tool itself has several nasty bugs and not maintained well upstream.

Regarding your original question, you can see example of how to deploy some service on metal in our docs:

пн, 15 авг. 2022 г., 04:34 Father Vlasie <fv@spots.edu>:
Hello everyone!

I am trying to deploy Openstack Ansible with Rocky Linux 8.6.

I have a rsyslog host that is somewhat underpowered (RAM and CPU) and I thought it might help to run rsyslog without containerisation.

I have searched but I have not been able to find an example of this.My guess is that I need to create a file in /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d

What syntax and commands do I need?

I have searched but I could not find any examples...

Thank you very much!

Father Vlasie