On 2021-01-21 17:27:12 +0000 (+0000), Sean Mooney wrote: [...]
if you agressivly cache there is no point in frequent pooling i would consider anything less then 5 mints to be still relitivly frequent by the way so 1 minute is not very infrequent. [...]
When I said "aggressively" I meant we're actually caching what would normally be considered dynamic data. The Zuul API sets... Cache-Control: public, max-age=1 ...so that browsers will try to avoid requesting the file more than once a second, and we front it with Apache mod_proxy so the server will also refresh its cache roughly that often. I think frequent requests are fine, maybe not once a second, but once every five or ten would likely be okay (our Zuul dashboard refreshes its status every 5 seconds in your browser, and that's pulling the full status blob for the tenant, not just change-specific data like the Gerrit plugin would presumably do). We have capacity and a scalable architecture now, so I'd err on the side of responsiveness and user convenience unless we see that it's actually still a problem. -- Jeremy Stanley