On Friday 17 September 2021, 09:34:44 IST, Eugen Block <eblock@nde.ag> wrote:
I have a lab environment here with an older version (Pike), but I
believe the workflow has not changed significantly since then (please
correct me if I'm wrong). The delete_on_termination flag can be
changed in a different file than the create_volume option:
root@control:/srv/www/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/static/dashboard/project/workflow/launch-instance # diff -u launch-instance-model.service.spec.js.dist
--- launch-instance-model.service.spec.js.dist 2021-09-17
10:13:18.343019968 +0200
+++ launch-instance-model.service.spec.js 2021-09-17
10:13:33.190524361 +0200
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@
var expectedBlockDevice = [{
source_type: 'image',
destination_type: 'volume',
- delete_on_termination: true,
+ delete_on_termination: false,
uuid: 'cirros',
boot_index: '0',
volume_size: 10
The path to this file is probably different in your case as you write
about /etc/openstack-dashboard, so I would search in that path.
Changing it in the .js file worked for me here.
Zitat von Derek O keeffe <
> Hi all,
> I was able to set "Create new volume" to no by default on the launch
> instance page by adding the following to
> /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py
> LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS ={ 'create_volume': False,}
> Is there anyway I can set "Delete Volume on Instance Delete" to yes
> by default should someone select to create a new volume when
> launching an instance. I tried the following but no luck
> LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS ={ 'create_volume': False,
> 'delete_on_termination': True}
> Thanks for any help/info in advance.
> Regards,Derek