Greetings everyone, Your friendly neighborhood Kata Community Manager checking in to let you all know that the call for presentations[2] is now open for Ubuntu Summit 2022[1]. The event will be held from November 7-9, 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Ubuntu Summit (FKA the Ubuntu Developer Summit) will include a series of talks, workshops, panels and Q&A covering a broad range of topics to appeal not only to developers, but anyone involved in open source. The event is organized into the following tracks: • Ubuntu Desktop • Community • Data Science & Data Platforms • Application Ecosystem • Infrastructure Though in-person attendance is preferred, there is a virtual option for those unable to travel. CFP will close September 30, 2002, so if you have a presentation (or workshop) on OpenStack ready to go, please send it in! Regards, T. Nichole Williams Technical Community Manager | Kata Containers Twitter: OGtrilliams GitHub: OGtrilliams IRC: PagliaccisCloud [1] [2]