I followed this link : https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/yoga/user/operating-kolla.html

It says that : This procedure is for upgrading from series to series, not for doing updates within a series. Inside a series, it is usually sufficient to just update the kolla-ansible package, rebuild (if needed) and pull the images, and run kolla-ansible deploy again. Please follow release notes to check if there are any issues to be aware of.

In my deployment I am using a local registry, so I pulled the new images, tagged them then pushed them into my registry.
I can see that the container's images are newer than the ones I had.

I then updated my kolla-ansible package using :
$ source yogavenv
(yogavenv) $ pip install --upgrade git+https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible@stable/yoga

Finally I launched the deploy, but it seems that nothing has changed.

The containers have not been restarted. Any ideas?

Is there a way to verify that a container belongs to a particular image build?
How can I be sure that my deployment has been updated with new containers?
