Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2022-06-23 12:00:58 -0500 (-0500), Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
Yes, that is what I mean that we have not explicitly said it has to be on OpenDev tooling as must requirement but yes we need to update the governance documentation also to have a clear view if "no opendev tooling then what are governance requirement" [...]
I'm not sure who "we" is in this context, but the TC has "explicitly said it has to be on OpenDev tooling as must requirement" through the passages I quoted above (the referenced document absolutely states this, and was ratified by the TC). Removing that restriction is a substantive change to OpenStack's governing documents, not a mere clarification.
I agree.. Historically, the TC has had a very strong stance that we should not fragment the community onto multiple platforms (for communication or development) or languages (for code or speech). The stated goal was to reinforce that OpenStack is a single project you join (and elect TC members to steward), rather than a loose coalition of several separate projects making independent choices. So allowing different development platforms would definitely be a step in a whole new direction, and a pretty significant change. I'd expect a discussion on allowing different parallel communication platforms to follow next. -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)