Just a heads up to inform everyone that the situation is now fixed and our gates are now ok.
Deliverables can be now released.

Le ven. 17 sept. 2021 à 16:33, Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> a écrit :
 ---- On Fri, 17 Sep 2021 08:51:54 -0500 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
 > On 2021-09-17 12:41:17 +0200 (+0200), Herve Beraud wrote:
 > [...]
 > > Our current solution is to pull openstack/governance from git
 > > source instead of from pypi. By doing that we will pull the fixed
 > > version from opendev git and we will unblock our gates. In this
 > > way, we will be able to restart to merge patches and release
 > > deliverables.
 > >
 > > We currently wait for some feedback from the infra team to help us
 > > to force merging the needed fixes by using their gerrit super
 > > admin rights, hence, bypassing the catch-22 situation.
 > By the time I was around, a solution was found which involved merely
 > adjusting the release project requirements list, so no action was
 > needed outside normal code review workflow.
 > > This situation highlighted the cross dependency between these two
 > > repos (governance and releases) and I don't think that this is
 > > something healthy. I propose to keep pulling the governance repo
 > > from git source even after we will fix the catch-22 situation. Any
 > > opinions?
 > [...]
 > The "proper" way to do this is to declare openstack/governance in
 > the required-projects lists for the jobs which are using it, and
 > then the tox role from zuul-jobs will know to consume it from
 > locally supplied source instead of fetching it from PyPI. This also
 > allows Zuul to handle cross-repository dependencies properly, so a
 > requirements change would be able to successfully Depends-On some
 > proposed change in governance even before it's merged.

+1, and using data directly from governance repo make more sense than pip.
I thought we release governance only for election scripts. can we remove governance
release dependencies also, I have not checked those election scripts yet? and after
that, we stop releasing governance itself and everyone can use it from the source.


 > --
 > Jeremy Stanley

Hervé Beraud
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
irc: hberaud