On 2021-02-25 14:37:23 +0000 (+0000), Mark Goddard wrote:
> I don't really appreciate the public dressing down, thanks.
And I don't especially appreciate the infrastructure I help run
being blamed for what is just as likely a bug in software you're
maintaining, without so much as a hint as to what you're seeing. It
happens constantly, from many corners of the community, and is
demoralizing to the point where our systems administrators quit
because they feel unappreciated. It leads directly to not being able
to provide you with any testing at all.
If you read the original message, I don't feel that it ascribed blame to any party, only a description of what I have found in my investigation to date. I'm investigating the issue, but was putting feelers out for anyone who might have seen something similar. It was lacking in detail, for sure. I'm not at a computer at the moment, but I'll provide more information when I am.
So asking again, can you *please* at least link to an example
Jeremy Stanley