
Most of the OFFLINE operational status issues are caused by communication problems between the amphorae and the Octavia health-manager.

In your case, the "Ignoring this packet. Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'" log message shows that the health-manager receives the heartbeat packets from the amphorae but it is unable to decode them. Those packets are encrypted JSON messages and it seems that the key ([health_manager].heartbeat_key see https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/latest/configuration/configref.html#health-manager) used to encrypt those messages is not defined in your configuration file. So I would suggest configuring it and restarting the Octavia services, then you can re-create or failover the load balancers (you cannot change this parameter in a running load balancer).


On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 6:17 PM <apps@mossakowski.ch> wrote:
I have stable/victoria baremetal openstack with octavia installed on centos8 using openvswitch mechanism driver: octavia api on controller, health-manager,housekeeping,worker on 3 compute/network nodes.
Official docs include only ubuntu with linuxbridge mechanism but I used https://github.com/prastamaha/openstack-octavia as a reference to get it working on centos8 with ovs.
I will push those docs instructions for centos8 soon: https://github.com/openstack/octavia/tree/master/doc/source/install.
I created basic http scenario using https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/victoria/user/guides/basic-cookbook.html#deploy-a-basic-http-load-balancer.
Loadbalancer works but its operational status is offline (openstack_loadbalancer_outputs.txt).
On all octavia workers I see the same warning message in health_manager.log:
Health Manager experienced an exception processing a heartbeat message from ('', 1907). Ignoring this packet. Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
I've searched for related active bug but all I found is this not related in my opinion: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008615
I'm attaching all info I've gathered:
Can you point me to the right direction what I have missed?
Piotr Mossakowski