I have two platforms:
on the first (Yoga), which is connected with public names and addresses, certificates issued by trusted CAs, no problem, creating a cluster template and deploying a cluster based on Fedora-CoreOS-35 works perfectly.

On the second, I have a private certification authority (and privates addresses)  and when I create a template then deploy a cluster, obviously there is a problem (in each node of the cluster)  with the certificate issued by an untrusted CA.
For the cluster to be deployed, I need to connect to the nodes, copy my CA certificate to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ then run the "update-ca-trust" command.

My question is: is it possible to deploy a cluster using this method but without having to do what I am obliged to do if the CA is not trusted? If the answer exists, I couldn't find it in the documentation, I apologize.
Thanks in advance
