Helo, With kolla ansible nano /etc/kolla/config/global.conf [oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_quorum_queue = true but you need destroy (rm rabbitmq container and its volume ) and redeploy new one to make quorum queues work. Nguyen Huu Khoi On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 9:04 AM Satish Patel <satish.txt@gmail.com> wrote:
Great! This is good to know that Quorum is a good solution.
Do you have a config to enable in kolla-ansible deployment?
On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 5:43 AM Arnaud Morin <arnaud.morin@gmail.com> wrote:
We are also using quorum in some regions and plan to enable quorum everwhere.
Note that we also manage to enable quorum for transient queues (using a custom patch as it's not doable with current oslo.messaging, see my request in [1]). We also introduced some custom changes in py-amqp to handle correctly the rabbit disconnections (see [2] and [3]).
So far, the real improvment is achieved thanks to the combination of all of these changes, enabling quorum queue only was not enough for us to notice any improvment.
The downside of quorum queues is that it consume more power on the rabbit cluster: you need more IO, CPU, RAM and network bandwith for the same number of queues (see [4]). It has to be taken into account.
Cheers, Arnaud.
[1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-April/033343.ht... [2] https://github.com/celery/py-amqp/pull/410 [3] https://github.com/celery/py-amqp/pull/405 [4] https://plik.ovh/file/nHCny7psDCTrEm76/Pq9ASO9wUd8HRk4C/s_1686817000.png
Dear Khôi,
Thanks for your reply.
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 9:05 AM Nguyễn Hữu Khôi < nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello. Firstly, when I used the classic queue and sometimes, my rabbitmq cluster was broken, the computers showed state down and I needed to restart
On 13.06.23 - 09:14, Sa Pham wrote: the
computer service to make it up. Secondly, 1 of 3 controller is down but my system still works although it is not very first as fully controller. I ran it for about 3 months compared with classic. My openstack is Yoga and use Kolla-Ansible as a deployment tool, Nguyen Huu Khoi
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 8:43 AM Sa Pham <saphi070@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Khôi,
Why do you say using the quorum queue is more stable than the classic queue ?
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 7:26 AM Nguyễn Hữu Khôi < nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Huettner, I have used the quorum queue since March and it is ok until now. It looks more stable than the classic queue. Some feedback to you. Thank you. Nguyen Huu Khoi.
On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 1:14 PM Felix Hüttner <felix.huettner@mail.schwarz> wrote:
> Hi Nguyen, > > > > we are using quorum queues for one of our deployments. So fare we did > not have any issue with them. They also seem to survive restarts without > issues (however reply queues are still broken afterwards in a small amount > of cases, but they are no quorum/mirrored queues anyway). > > > > So I would recommend them for everyone that creates a new cluster. > > > > -- > > Felix Huettner > > > > *From:* Nguyễn Hữu Khôi <nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> > *Sent:* Saturday, May 6, 2023 4:29 AM > *To:* OpenStack Discuss <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> > *Subject:* [OPENSTACK][rabbitmq] using quorum queues > > > > Hello guys. > > IS there any guy who uses the quorum queue for openstack? Could you > give some feedback to compare with classic queue? > > Thank you. > > Nguyen Huu Khoi > > Diese E Mail enthält möglicherweise vertrauliche Inhalte und ist nur > für die Verwertung durch den vorgesehenen Empfänger bestimmt. > Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfänger sein, setzen Sie den > Absender bitte unverzüglich in Kenntnis und löschen diese E Mail. > > Hinweise zum Datenschutz finden Sie hier > <https://www.datenschutz.schwarz>. > > > This e-mail may contain confidential content and is intended only for > the specified recipient/s. > If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender > immediately and delete this e-mail. > > Information on data protection can be found here > <https://www.datenschutz.schwarz>. >
-- Sa Pham Dang Skype: great_bn Phone/Telegram: 0986.849.582
-- Sa Pham Dang Skype: great_bn Phone/Telegram: 0986.849.582