Hey Rodolfo,

That was our understanding as well. I guess our thinking is more related to if the i40evf driver is present on a compute that is providing a PF/VF to a VM, could that create a conflict at some point? The VM will use it's own Kernel with it's own version of i40evf but the compute providing the SRIOV PF is also loaded with i40evf + i40e.

Just looking at understanding the expected deployment scenario.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 3:37 AM Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <ralonsoh@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello Laurent:

The i40evf is the guest driver when using VFs from a Fortville NIC. The i40e is the host driver that controls the PF and provides the VFs for the guests.

Without the i40evf, the virtual machine cannot use the device provided.

Both drivers have different goals.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 12:58 AM Laurent Dumont <laurentfdumont@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

We are troubleshooting some weirdness with X710 Intel cards and i40evf. Looking around, it seems that most vendors recommend disabling the i40evf driver from the compute side (and keeping the i40e driver).

Is anyone aware of any funkiness if both the i40e driver and the i40evf driver is present on computes running VMs with SRIOV ports.
