Hello Gk, hope this email finds you well

Yes, theres a lot of ways, depends on what are you using.

But, in general, here are some common methods:

A - Placement APIs if you are using a cloud platform like Openstack

B - Hypervisor APIs, if you are using KVM, VMWare

C - Command Line Tools, in Linux systems with libvirt installed, you can use commands like 'virsh nodeinfo'

D - Monitoring tools: You can use monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Nagios to monitor resource usage on compute nodes in real-time

E - Cloud Management Platforms: If you're using a cloud management platform like OpenStack, VMware vSphere, or Microsoft Azure, these platforms often provide built-in interfaces or APIs for querying available resources and creating VMs.

The specific method you choose will depend on your environment, the tools and platforms you're using, and your specific requirements for VM creation and resource allocation.

Thanks, have a nice week.

A 2024-04-23 09:19, Gk Gk escreveu:

Is there a way to find out the available ram, disk and vcpus on a compute node for vm creation using any placement APIs or any other way ?