How high did you have to raise it? If it does appear after X amount of time, then the VIF plug is not lost?

On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 7:23 AM Michal Arbet <> wrote:
+ if i raise vif_plugged_timeout ( hope i rember it correct ) in nova to some high number ..problem dissapear ... But it's only workaround 

Dňa so 20. 11. 2021, 12:05 Michal Arbet <> napísal(a):

Has anyone seen issue which I am currently facing ?

When launching heat stack ( but it's same if I launch several of instances ) vif plugged in timeouts an I don't know why, sometimes it is OK ..sometimes is failing.

Sometimes neutron reports vif plugged in < 10 sec ( test env ) sometimes it's 100 and more seconds, it seems there is some race condition but I can't find out where the problem is. But on the end every instance is spawned ok (retry mechanism worked).

Another finding is that it has to do something with security group, if noop driver is used ..everything is working good.

Firewall security setup is openvswitch .

Test env is wallaby.

I will attach some logs when I will be near PC ..

Thank you,
Michal Arbet (Kevko)