Hi, OpenStack Dalmatian is currently fully in Debian Testing, and in a quite good shape. However, as you may know, Python 3.13 is about to be uploaded to Debian unstable, and we intend to release Debian 13 (aka: Trixie) with it. A number of OpenStack (or related) packages are affected by the removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13. We need to fix these ASAP (and not only because of Debian). Here's the list of affected projects, with the name of the bad import that was removed from Python 3.13: manila https://bugs.debian.org/1084543 (pipes) swift https://bugs.debian.org/1084544 (cgi) ironic https://bugs.debian.org/1084566 (crypt) ironic-python-agent https://bugs.debian.org/1084680 (crypt) bandit https://bugs.debian.org/1084700 (crypt, telnetlib) There's also a number of libraries that we don't directly maintain, but that are in our requirements: qpid-proton https://bugs.debian.org/1084552 (cgi) python-wsme https://bugs.debian.org/1084594 (cgi) python-falcon https://bugs.debian.org/1084623 (cgi) python-pysaml2 https://bugs.debian.org/1084670 (cgi) These will need to be fixed. For more details with were the bad import was found, please dive into the individual bug reports. While pipes and crypt have direct replacement (subprocess and for example the pypi module bcrypt), there's a few comments here: https://docs.python.org/3.13/whatsnew/3.13.html While I will for sure attempt to fix some of the above, I cannot be held responsible for all of OpenStack code, and I'd appreciate a lot having some help. Unless I'm being pointed at fixes patches in Gerrit, I'll start filling bugs for the above once I'm done with other tasks (currently, I'm working on validation of OpenStack upgrades in Debian), and hopefully, get all in order before Trixie's freeze in early 2025. I know there's probably going to be more Python 3.13 fixes to come, and I expect some package to fail to build from source (FTBFS) due to some tests failing in 3.13. Then I'll run my usual tempest validation CI, and hopefully, Dalmatian on Trixie will be the best OpenStack ever... :) In the mean time, let's tackle the above. Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)