As far as I know, there is no official OSProfiler for Swift yet, but there are some projects that aim to provide similar functionality. For example, slashmo has created a project called swift-otel5, which builds on top of Swift Distributed Tracing by implementing its instrumentation and tracing API. This means that any library instrumented using Swift Distributed Tracing will automatically work with swift-otel. OpenTelemetry Swift provides a set of APIs and SDKs for instrumenting and collecting telemetry data from Swift applications. It supports tracing, metrics, and logging, as well as integration with popular frameworks and libraries such as Alamofire, Vapor, GRPC, and NIO. You can use OpenTelemetry Swift to monitor the performance, reliability, and behavior of your Swift applications, and export the data to various backends such as Jaeger, Zipkin, Prometheus, or any other compatible OpenTelemetry collector. Another way to implement tracing in Swift is to use OSProfiler, which is a library for cross-project profiling that is used by most OpenStack projects and their python clients. It provides functionality to generate one trace per request, that goes through all involved services. Thats why OSProfiler is not yet available for Swift natively, but there are some projects that aim to provide similar functionality. Kerem Çeliker