
I have created the issue to storyboard.


- Ammad

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 2:23 AM Lingxian Kong <anlin.kong@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Ammad,

Do you mind reporting the issue to trove storyboard https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/trove with the detailed steps to reproduce? It'd be great if you could provide the openstack service versions you are using as well. Thanks.

Lingxian Kong
Senior Cloud Engineer (Catalyst Cloud)
Trove PTL (OpenStack)
OpenStack Cloud Provider Co-Lead (Kubernetes)

On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 7:19 PM Ammad Syed <syedammad83@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Lingxian, it worked fine.

I have resize the volume of mysql datastore from 17GB to 18GB. In guest agent logs it said that command has executed successfully. 

2021-05-21 07:11:03.527 1062 INFO trove.guestagent.datastore.manager [-] Resizing the filesystem at /var/lib/mysql, online: True
2021-05-21 07:11:03.528 1062 DEBUG trove.guestagent.volume [-] Checking if /dev/sdb exists. _check_device_exists /home/ubuntu/trove/trove/guestagent/volume.py:217
2021-05-21 07:11:03.528 1062 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdb execute /opt/guest-agent-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/processutils.py:384
2021-05-21 07:11:03.545 1062 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] CMD "sudo blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdb" returned: 0 in 0.016s execute /opt/guest-agent-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/processutils.py:423
2021-05-21 07:11:03.546 1062 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb execute /opt/guest-agent-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/processutils.py:384
2021-05-21 07:11:03.577 1062 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] CMD "sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb" returned: 0 in 0.031s execute /opt/guest-agent-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/processutils.py:423

But the /var/lib/mysql still shows 17GB. I have manually executed resize2fs on /dev/sdb. After manual execution, /var/lib/mysql has updated to 18GB. Not sure if I am missing something. 

- Ammad

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 4:39 PM Lingxian Kong <anlin.kong@gmail.com> wrote:
Modify trove service config file:

max_accepted_volume_size = <any value bigger than 10, maybe 15?>

10 is the default value if the config option is not specified.

Lingxian Kong
Senior Cloud Engineer (Catalyst Cloud)
Trove PTL (OpenStack)
OpenStack Cloud Provider Co-Lead (Kubernetes)

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 9:56 PM Ammad Syed <syedammad83@gmail.com> wrote:

I am using wallaby / trove on ubuntu 20.04. I am trying to extend volume of database instance. Its having trouble that instance cannot exceed volume size of 10GB.

My flavor has 2vcpus 4GB RAM and 10GB disk. I created a database instance with 5GB database size and mysql datastore. The deployment has created 10GB root and 5GB /var/lib/mysql. I have tried to extend volume to 11GB, it failed with error that "Volume 'size' cannot exceed maximum of 10 GB, 11 cannot be accepted". 

I want to keep root disk size to 10GB and only want to extend /var/lib/mysql keeping the same flavor. Is it possible or should I need to upgrade flavor as well ?


Syed Ammad Ali


Syed Ammad Ali


Syed Ammad Ali