On 6/16/21 11:22, levonmelikbekjan@yahoo.de wrote:
I would like to explain you that, but now I am facing another issue. The quota info message appeared „Quota exceeded for cores: Requested 4, but already used 59 of 60 cores“.
In my version Train is a path called /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/openstack with a file called wsgi.py. To be more precise it is the __exit__ function in the ResourceExceptionHandler, which outputs this information message.
My question is, where does this function get the information from that the limit of the VCPUs and possibly other resources has been exceeded? I mean the scheduler doesn’t even run. I can’t get it until now. Maybe I need to manipulate the nova-api rather then manipulating the nova-scheduler.
I assume you mean you get this message when you try to create a server? The quota check first occurs in nova-api and it uses the --flavor requested to determine the requested cores and ram, then it counts non-deleted instances in the database's flavors cores and ram for the project and compares the totals against the quota limit set in the /os-quota-sets API [1] and if one hasn't been set there it uses the config option values under [quota] in nova.conf. Hope that helps, -melwitt [1] https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#show-a-quota