On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 8:51 PM Malik Obaid <malikobaidadil@gmail.com> wrote:
I am using openstack latest victoria release on ubuntu 20.04. The instance is launched from horizon and storage types are created.
From UI,
boot source is: IMAGE
Create New Volume: Yes
Size: 5
Below is the output that I have set default volume type in cinder.conf
root@storage:/etc/cinder# grep default_volume_type cinder.conf
default_volume_type = lvm_backed
However from openstack cli I have created a volume from image in lvm_backend storage type and booted a instance from it. It goes successful.
I haven't set any property in image. Below is the image output.
| Field | Value |
| checksum | ab8436743c2a55b25615afa265631584 |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2020-12-17T08:58:56Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| file | /v2/images/1024317b-0db6-418c-bc39-de9b61d8ce59/file |
| id | 1024317b-0db6-418c-bc39-de9b61d8ce59 |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | Ubuntu2004-Official |
| owner | 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a |
| properties | os_distro='ubuntu20.04', os_hash_algo='sha512', os_hash_value='e8c8eb68bfca0aa3f165750d7b913f51cf7ded73e6f51f4c59d08b8788ad4e570f04e92318fd52ffea396ee55e2771d3def475c5b52992c6b43eb591d2a288e2', os_hidden='False', owner_specified.openstack.md5='', owner_specified.openstack.object='images/Ubuntu2004-Official', owner_specified.openstack.sha256='' |
| protected | False |
| schema | /v2/schemas/image |
| size | 547815424 |
| status | active |
| tags | |
| updated_at | 2021-02-09T06:29:57Z |
| virtual_size | 2361393152 |
| visibility | public | Look like horizon is prefering __DEFAULT__ storage type while creating an instance from cinder backed volume.
That looks like the logical conclusion. I'm not very familiar with horizon code but they seem to be hardcoding the __DEFAULT__ type somewhere which will break if anyone deletes that type. Looks like a bug in [horizon]
On Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 18:47 Rajat Dhasmana, <rdhasman@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Malik,
I would like to know which openstack release is used.
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 4:41 PM Malik Obaid <malikobaidadil@gmail.com> wrote:
I am creating nova instance with cinder backed iscsi storage. I have created multiple storage types. But my launched instance from image use storage type __DEFAULT__ for flavor's root volume.
Is the instance launched via horizon or CLI and if CLI which command is used?
I have changed default_volume_type to mystoragetype in cinder.conf but instances root volume still goes in __DEFAULT__ storage type.
This should not happen since default_volume_type has a higher preference than the __DEFAULT__ type
However new volume creation in mystoragetype is successful.
Need help, how can I set instance root volume storage type during its deployment ?
My guess is that the image used has ``*cinder_img_volume_type*`` property set to __DEFAULT__ else there is no way cinder prefers __DEFAULT__ type over any other in this case. Also if you're using victoria release and no volume is using the __DEFAULT__ type then you can delete it as well.
Malik Obaid