
2021. 03. 19. 22:16 keltezéssel, Stefan Kelber írta:

Does any body have a clue where to look?

I am running out of ideas, unfortunately

Just a quick question: (we use dell emc and fujitsu eternus iSCSI backend with Rocky now)
Did you add the following network interfaces to the server, which runs cinder-volume:
 - Management: (i mean, there shoud be an API, which need to be reached)
 - iSCSI interface(s): If you want to upload image, the cinder-volume process shoud login to the iSCSI, copy the image (from glance 4example), and logout.

Do you see iSCSI sessions (iscsiadm -m session) creating?
Also: did you check the guide for the storage? (I've found a config option with the Eternus, which need to be configured in storage side, until that, it's not working) maybe you have somethin similar?



Erdősi Péter
Informatikus, IKT Fejlesztési Főosztály

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