Hello Party People! 

It's very early, but I wanted to float the information ahead of time :) 

Coming up for the next semester (Spring semester in Northern Hemisphere; Jan to May) we have the opportunity to propose projects to students at North Dakota State University to work on. Students will be in the last couple semesters before graduation with a Bachelor's degree in CS. Good projects would be scoped to a small group of students 3-5 working together for around 4.5 months (maybe 4 with onboarding, midterms etc). Mentors on these projects do not have to work alone - often I have two or three community members working together to mentor the students (ask Manila, they are a good example).

I will want to start collecting project proposals (and mentor volunteers) in December before everyone leaves for the holidays but that still gives a fair amount of time for questions if anyone has them.  

I already have one team interested (Hi, Swift!) but would love a couple others to get involved. 

Let me know what questions you have or if you are interested in mentoring! 

-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)