Hi Adivya, You can follow below steps; I am assuming you are using devstack based setup; 1. Source openrc file from devstack repo on your local machine. 2. Create new project with below command; openstack project create --description 'project-x' project-x --domain default 3. Create new users with below command; openstack user create admin --password admin openstack user create normal-user --password normal-user 4. Assign respective roles to user-project pair with above created users: openstack role add --user normal-user --project project-x member openstack role add --user admin --project project-x admin 5. Create admin-rc, member-rc files with below contents; (Note: Don't forget to change password, username, OS_PROJECT_NAME and OS_AUTH_URL) # member-rc file # Clear any old environment that may conflict. for key in $( set | awk -F= '/^OS_/ {print $1}' ); do unset "${key}" ; done export OS_AUTH_TYPE=password export OS_PASSWORD=normal-user export OS_AUTH_URL=http://xx.yy.zz.aa/identity export OS_USERNAME=normal-user export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project-x export COMPUTE_API_VERSION=1.1 export NOVA_VERSION=1.1 export OS_NO_CACHE=True export OS_CLOUDNAME=project-x export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION='3' export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME='Default' export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME='Default' export OS_CACERT="/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cm-local-ca.pem" # Add OS_CLOUDNAME to PS1 if [ -z "${CLOUDPROMPT_ENABLED:-}" ]; then export PS1=${PS1:-""} export PS1=\${OS_CLOUDNAME:+"(\$OS_CLOUDNAME)"}\ $PS1 export CLOUDPROMPT_ENABLED=1 fi ~ 6. Similar to above you can create admn-rc file for admin user 7. source respective rc files and run glance/nova/or any other commands; If you want to add a new role to an existing project then ignore step 2 and follow from step 3. Thanks & Best Regards, Abhishek Kekane On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 6:51 PM Adivya Singh <adivya1.singh@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team,
i want to create a custom role in openstack, with privilege being
1> to allow them to make image public 2> to modify/change the flavor
how can i do this, I have openstack installed with XENA
regards Adivya Singh