Hi Julia, Thanks for your response. I have used "iscsi" as deploy_interface and installed sgdisk (gdisk) on both ironic_conductors and then tried to spawn a BM node. Then it failed stating about "parted is missing". Then I installed "parted" on both ironic_conductors and then tried again. This time it failed stating: 2020-12-02 17:08:39.508 1 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base Command: parted -a optimal -s /dev/disk/by-path/ip- -- unit MiB mklabel msdos mkpart primary 1 481281 set 1 boot on 2020-12-02 17:08:39.508 1 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base Exit code: 1 2020-12-02 17:08:39.508 1 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base Stdout: '' 2020-12-02 17:08:39.508 1 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base Stderr: 'Error: The location 481281 is outside of the device /dev/sdc.\n' About my BM node: It has 2 physical disks only. Do you have any idea about this ? Thanks Akshay -----Original Message----- From: Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 4:26 AM To: Akshay 346 <Akshay.346@hsc.com> Cc: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org Subject: Re: IRONIC BAREMETAL partitioned image not spawning. ** External Email- Treat hyperlink and attachment with caution. ** Greetings, If your deploy_interface is set to "iscsi", then sgdisk needs to be installed and available to the ironic-conductor process and user. If your deploy_interface is set to "direct", then sgdisk needs to be present with-in the ironic-python-agent ramdisk. The error you pasted into your email suggests, and the logs confirm that you're using the iscsi deployment interface. You will need to ensure your conductor process can execute sgdisk and it is available with-in the environment PATH that the ironic-conductor process is executing with-in. This is not with-in the qcow you're deploying as the commands are executed remotely before the image is written in this case. -Julia On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 10:19 AM Akshay 346 <Akshay.346@hsc.com> wrote:
Hello Team,
I hope you all are keeping safe and doing good.
I have a OpenStack setup up and running with ironic enabled.
I am able to spawn a bare metal node with centos8.2 whole-disk image but when I spawn bare metal with partitioned image, it fails to spawn it stating the following trace ( Full trace back attached in the email):
“2020-12-01 12:35:34.603 1 ERROR ironic.conductor.utils [req-0d3a375e-90a3-485d-a7c3-895c97c88006 - - - - -] Deploy failed for instance 463bd844-7f80-4c57-98dd-6ca8cfdb6121. Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'sgdisk': 'sgdisk': FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'sgdisk': 'sgdisk'”.
I have also installed sgdisk (yum install gdisk) on the qcow2 from which I build the partitioned image.
Can anyone please guide how to debug it?
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