Hello all, Last Saturday, we had a session about two topics: - Validation Framework - In-flight validations Here's a summary about the different discussions around those topics. ## Current state: - all the existing validations within "tripleo-validations" have been moved to the new format (proper ansible roles with dedicated playbook). Big thumb up to the involved people for the hard work! - Mistral runs them from the hard drive instead of using swift - Possibility to run validations through the CLI using the new "openstack tripleo validator" subcommand - Possibility to run the validations directly with ansible-playbook - Blog posts with demos and some explanations: ° https://cjeanner.github.io/openstack/tripleo/validations/2019/04/24/validati... ° https://cjeanner.github.io/openstack/tripleo/validations/2019/04/25/in-fligh... ° https://cjeanner.github.io/openstack/tripleo/validations/2019/04/26/in-fligh... ## TODO - Refactor tripleoclient code regarding the way ansible is called, in order to allow bypassing mistral (useful if mistral is broken or not available, like on a standalone deploy) - Get more validations from the Services teams (Compute, Neutron, and so on) - CI integration: get a job allowing to validate the framework (running the no-op validation and group) as well as validations themselves - Doc update (WIP: https://review.opendev.org/654943) - Check how the tripleo-validations content might be backported down to Pike or even Newton. We don't consider the CLI changes, since the cherry-picks will be more than painful, and might break things in a really bad way. You can find the whole, raw content on the following pad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ptg-train-validations In case you have questions or remarks, or want to dig further in the topics present on that pad, feel free to contact me or just run a thread on the ML :). Cheers, C. -- Cédric Jeanneret Software Engineer DFG:DF