Hi, Nicolas,
No, we don't really maintain documentation for each cinder driver
that's available. So we assume using an override variable for
adjustment of cinder configuration to match the desired state.
So basically, you can use smth like that in your user_variables.yml:
volume_backend_name: GPFSNFS
volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.ibm.gpfs.GPFSNFSDriver
gpfs_hosts: ip.add.re.ss
gpfs_storage_pool: cinder
gpfs_images_share_mode: copy_on_write
I have no idea though if gpfs_* variables can be defined or not inside
the backend section, as they're referenced in DEFAULT in docs. But
overrides will work regardless.
Backend related configuration should always go in the [BACKEND] section and not
in the [DEFAULT] section so the documentation needs to be corrected for GPFS.
чт, 9 мар. 2023 г. в 11:41, Nicolas Melot <nicolas.melot@lunarc.lu.se>:
> Hi,
> I can find doc on using various backends for cinder
> (https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible-os_cinder/zed/configure-cinder.html#configuring-cinder-to-use-lvm)
> and some documentation to configure a GPFS backend for cinder
> (https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/zed/configuration/block-storage/drivers/ibm-gpfs-volume-driver.html)
> but I cannot find any documentation to deploy cinder with GPFS backend
> using openstack-ansible. Does this exist at all? Is there any
> documentation?
> /Nicolas