this is super cool, thanks Jeremy, will give it a go!


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 12:57 PM Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:
On 2020-05-05 12:06:42 -0400 (-0400), Chris Morgan wrote:
> we had a quick IRC meeting today, and also a trial run at an open
> source based video conference meeting using jitsi via an instance
> running on infra provided by Erik McCormick. This seems to be
> promising. We'll look into trialling some ops related events
> leveraging this.

It's probably been flying under the radar a bit so far, but the
OpenDev community has put together an Etherpad-integrated Jitsi-Meet
service at which you're free to try out
as well. We'd love feedback and help tuning it. Also if you want to
reuse anything we've done to set it up, the Ansible playbook we use
is here:

It utilizes this role to install and configure jitsi-meet containers
with docker-compose (mostly official images, though
we build our own jitsi-meet-web published under
which applies our Etherpad integration patch):

We're not making any stability or reusability guarantees on the
Ansible orchestration (or our custom image which will hopefully
disappear once is
accepted upstream), but like everything we run in OpenDev we publish
it for the sake of transparency, in case anyone else wants to help
us or take some ideas for their own efforts.
Jeremy Stanley

Chris Morgan <>