On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM Tommy Sway <sz_cuitao@163.com> wrote:
For the four deployment schemes given in the official document, I have the following questions:
First, is the charms deployment scheme only applicable to Ubuntu system?
Yes, this is technology from Canonical and currently it runs reliably only on Ubuntu but one could obviously port it to other systems if they needed.
Second, what is the difference between kallo and Openstack-Ansible deployment?
Kolla (Greek for "glue") deploys using Docker container images (the deployment is done using Kolla Ansible). OpenStack Ansible does not use this approach and instead installs components on demand using virtual environments and (I think still? someone correct me if I'm wrong) optionally LXC. Both projects use Ansible but everything else (e.g., the approach to configuration, deployment, upgrades) differs greatly between the two of them. -yoctozepto