I have a Rocky deployment and I want to enable AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter on it. There is one slight problem I'm trying to solve in a proper way: fixing the request_specs of instances that are already running.
After enabling the filter, I want to add necessary metadata keys to flavors, but this won't be propagated into request_specs of running instances, and this will cause issues later on (like scheduler selecting wrong destination hosts for migration, for example)
Few years ago I encountered a similar problem on Mitaka: that deployment already had the filter enabled, but some flavors were misconfigured and lacked the metadata keys. I ended up writing a crude Python script which connected directly into the Nova database, searched for bad request_specs and manually appended the necessary extra_specs keys into request_specs JSON blob.
Now, my question is: has anyone encountered a similar scenario before? Is there a more clean method for regeneration of instance request_specs, or do I have to modify the JSON blobs manually by writing directly into the database?
Patryk Jakuszew