Hello, tl;dr We are looking for some feedback from anyone developing their tool/software creating/managing heat stacks, about the new requirement we are considering. Recently we've been discussing the issue with Heat and Secure RBAC work[1]. The current target of SRBAC work requires the appropriate scope according to the resources. - Project resources like instance, volume or network can be created by project-scoped token - Project resources like flavor, user, project or role can be created by system-scoped token This is causing a problem with heat stacks which have both project resources and system resources, because heat currently uses the single token provided by the user in a single stack API call. As part of discussions we have discussed the "split stack" concept, which requires creating separate stacks per scope. This means If you want to create project resources and system resources by Heat, you should create two separate heat stacks and call heat stack api separately using different credentials. While we still need to investigate the feasibility of this option (eg. how smooth we can make the migration), we'd like to hear any feedback about the impact of the "split stack" concept on any external toolings depending on Heat, because this would require some workflow/architecture change in the toolings. If we hear many negative feedback/concerns then we would examine different approaches. Thank you, Takashi [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/consistent-and-secure-rba...