---- On Mon, 13 Apr 2020 11:07:33 -0500 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
On 2020-04-13 11:02:09 -0500 (-0500), Ghanshyam Mann wrote: [...]
ok, I did not know that openstack-helm supports all the stable release with master version. If so then also we can go with tagging it and then drop the python2.7 which is what we did for other branchless projects like Tempest etc. Release a tag before dropping and use that tag for any older release than Ussuri. [...]
That would mean they'd need to branch from that tag if they want to backport any fixes to their support for earlier OpenStack versions.
True but that depends if backport is what they wanted to support if they can or just ask users to move to py3 env if you want to use the latest things. I am ok with keeping py2 support also if there is no dependency on OpenStack or so. It is not in the list of not dropping projects but I am ok to reconsider this and would like to see what helm team think about this. gagehugo is going to check this tomorrow. As per him, they moved the infra from py2 to py3, but not the images. -gmann
-- Jeremy Stanley