Hi, I have a site1 and a site2. Site1 contains the controller nodes with some compute and storage and in site2 i have compute nodes maybe hci solution for it. site1 has a different network pool and site2 has a different network pool and these cannot be extended to one another. What I want to know is how I am going to configure network to be used by the compute nodes in site2. If i use DVR then i can just create a normal external network which will only be used for site2 and then the traffic doesn't have to go through the network node. Is it the right solution? And is DVR enabled by default or do I have to use the neutron-ovn-dvr.yaml template? And if i use DVR do i have to set the following parameter?: ComputeParameters: NeutronBridgeMappings: "" Is DCN with DVR the correct approach? With regards, Swogat Pradhan