Hi All

The Single store glance support(default) was deprecated in Rocky release by
Change-Id: I50189862454ada978eb401ec24a46988517ea73b

The glance team will start working on removing single store support from the wallaby cycle and intended it to finish the same in wallaby or during milestone 1 of the next cycle.
Below is the roadmap for removing single store configuration support from glance and glance_store repository.

1. Default Glance to configure multiple stores - Wallaby milestone 1 - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/741802/
2. Convert single store unit and functional tests to use multiple stores - Wallaby milestone 1
3. Remove use of single store from glance - Wallaby milestone 2
4. Remove single stores support from glance_store - Wallaby milestone 3 to X milestone 1

We would like to encourage our users to start moving to multiple stores of glance if you are still using traditional single stores of glance in your deployments.

Please let us know if you have any queries or suggestions about the same.

Thank you,
