Hi Experts

Release: Wallaby 
Distribution: Openstack-ansible

I am working on enabling GPU computes through PCIpassthrough:

I managed to test the GPU PCI passthrough with the direct configuration below.

GPU compute:

device_spec = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6" }
passthrough_whitelist = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6" }
alias = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6", "device_type": "type-PCI", "name": "nvidia" }

Nova API container:

enabled_filters = AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeFilter,AggregateNumInstancesFilter,AggregateIoOpsFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter,ServerGroupAffinityFilter,NUMATopologyFilter,PciPassthroughFilter

alias = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6", "device_type": "type-PF", "name": "nvidia" }

Now I need to put the configuration through openstack-ansible. So I need support for the same.


I intend to use hostvar for the compute configuration:


Can someone please confirm the parameters I need to set in this file and how to implement it?

device_spec = ?
passthrough_whitelist = ?
    - '{ "name": "nvidia", "product_id": "25b6", "vendor_id": "10de" }'           =====> how can I add device_type field here as per the mail.yaml it only have  name,product_id and vendor_id field?

openstack-ansible os-nova-install.yml --tags nova-config --limit <compute name>

For nova_api configuration, I intend to use below:

Below parameter in the user_variable file

  - AvailabilityZoneFilter
  - ComputeFilter
  - AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
  - AggregateNumInstancesFilter
  - AggregateIoOpsFilter
  - ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
  - ImagePropertiesFilter
  - ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter
  - ServerGroupAffinityFilter
  - NUMATopologyFilter
  - PciPassthroughFilter

    - '{ "name": "nvidia", "product_id": "25b6", "vendor_id": "10de" }'           =====> how can I add device_type field here as per the mail.yaml it only have  name,product_id and vendor_id field?

openstack-ansible os-nova-install.yml --tags nova-config --limit <nova api containers>
