Hello Stackers, Thanks to all moderators and volunteers for compiling virtual PTG notes and sharing summaries through this mailing list. A lot of exciting work seems to be tracked through the action items from these summaries. I hope you were able to review the TC's PTG summary [1]. Next week is milestone-1 of the 2025.1 "Epoxy" release cycle [2]. This is typically a bug-targeting milestone for project teams. The following is a summary of this past week's happenings within the OpenStack Technical Committee. === Weekly Meeting === During the past week, the OpenStack Technical Committee met over IRC [3]. We followed up on action items from weeks preceding the Project Teams Gathering. We finalized PTL and DPL appointments for the "mistral" and "watcher" project teams. We spent some time reviewing action items related to translating documentation and user strings within OpenStack services. Automated jobs posting translation updates from Zanata are broken due to incompatibility with newer Python versions. Migration to Weblate remains a priority and the i18n team may require more support to complete this migration. We're collaborating over IRC to identify the needs and next steps. The TC also discussed progress on the community goal to migrate integration testing to Python 3.12 and to the latest LTS version of the operating system used in DevStack test jobs. Like me, you may have wondered why we’re combining these efforts. The reason is that it allows us to have a simpler test matrix despite the number of Python versions and OS distributions that OpenStack software is tested with. While we maintain unit test jobs for each supported Python version, it is impractical to duplicate each integration job for every OS distribution available. Therefore, we choose the latest LTS (e.g., Ubuntu 24.04 LTS / "Noble Numbat"), which includes the upper bound of the supported Python versions (Python 3.12). Additionally, each project will have at least one test job for the minimum supported Python version (Python 3.9), so you'll see a test job for the previous LTS release of the OS that will begin in this release and continue running as it transitions to a "stable" release branch. The next meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee is on 2024-11-05 (today) at 1800 UTC. This is our monthly video meeting too! This meeting will occur simultaneously on Video (Zoom) and IRC (OFTC's #openstack-tc channel). Allison Price (aprice) and Jimmy McArthur (jimmymcarthur) from the OpenStack VMware Migration Working Group [4] will be joining us to discuss the working group's efforts. Meeting information, including other agenda items, is on the meeting wiki [5]. I hope you'll be able to join us. Please remember that you can always propose items to the TC's weekly meeting agenda. === Governance Proposals === ==== Merged ==== Add Watcher DPL for Epoxy | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/933018 Adding Axel Vanzaghi as PTL for Mistral | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/927962 ==== Open for Review ==== Propose to select the eventlet-removal community goal | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/931254 === How to Contact the TC === You can reach the TC in several ways: 1. **Email:** Send an email with the tag [tc] on this mailing list. 2. **IRC:** Use the 'tc-members' keyword on the #openstack-tc IRC channel on OFTC. 3. **Weekly Meeting:** Join us every Tuesday at 1800 UTC [5]. Thank you very much for reading! On behalf of the OpenStack TC, Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr) OpenStack TC Chair [1] 2025.1 "Epoxy" TC PTG Summary: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [2] 2025.1 "Epoxy" Release Schedule: https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html [3] TC Meeting IRC Log 2024-10-29: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-10-29-18.00.log.html [4] OpenStack VMware Migration Group: https://www.openstack.org/vmware-migration-to-openstack/ [5] TC Meeting Agenda, 2024-11-05: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting