On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:05 PM Jean-Philippe Evrard <jean-philippe@evrard.me> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am filling the survey for the room booking during the OpenDev summit
> in Vancouver. Do you already know if you will attend, this way we have
> a first guesstimate of the attendance?
> Can you answer it here by Thursday, please?

I'm working on finding budget before I can confirm with you and I can only get the answer one month before the event. 

> FYI: I thought of booking for min 1.5 days, maximum time 2 days, as
> last time we finished the marathon in two days.

I think 2 day sounds ideal

> For the room format, I like the roundtable (was wondering to add extra
> seats next to the roundtable for people joining), however it's only
> around 10 persons per table, which won't be enough for us all if
> everyone attends.

The same old question, will it possible if we adding chairs if we need it?

> Regards,
> JP