Hi there,

so far we have the following topics in the agenda [1], except the usual Retrospective and triage ones:

* Stop supporting Centos 9 Stream?
* stack.sh fails on Rocky 9 and Centos 9 because of global virtualenv

In case you want to influence the time of QA's PTG sessions, feel free to vote [2]. I'll reserve something by theĀ end of the week.

On Wed, 27 Sept 2023 at 15:19, Martin Kopec <mkopec@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

here is [1] our etherpad for the 2024.1 Caracal virtual PTG. Please, add your topics there if there is anything you would like to discuss / propose ...

You can also vote for time slots for our sessions so that they fit your schedule at [2].

We will most likely go with 1-hour slot per day, as they usually fit easier into everyone's schedule. The number of slots will depend on the number of topics proposed in [1].

Martin Kopec
Principal Software Quality Engineer
Red Hat EMEA
IM: kopecmartin
