Hi Tony,

Kolla-ansible is not rendering [quotas] configuration block in neutron.conf file by default.
But you can add this configuration block to /etc/kolla/config/neutron.conf and this will be merged into kolla's final rendered neutron.conf file.

Added file : 

ubuntu@deploy:/opt/kolla-ansible$ cat /etc/kolla/config/neutron.conf
quota_network = 10
quota_subnet = 10
quota_port = 50
quota_driver = neutron.quota.DbQuotaNoLockDriver

Then run kolla-ansible -i inventory reconfigure -t neutron

Let me know if you have any questions

Michal Arbet (kevko)

Michal Arbet
Openstack Engineer

Ultimum Technologies a.s.
Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420 604 228 897 

čt 16. 9. 2021 v 14:51 odesílatel Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> napsal:
On 2021-09-16 07:00:27 +0200 (+0200), Karera Tony wrote:
> I have a working Wallaby Openstack deployed using kolla-ansible.
> However, I have not been able to find a way of changing the
> Network quotas as I need to increase the defaults.
> Can someone kindly advise on how to go about it ?

Are you looking for something other than what's already explained in
the Neutron documentation?


Jeremy Stanley