agree with Jeremy and Doug, let's stick with the list (it already has an amazing list of names of beautiful cities/places in China) On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 4:53 AM Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:
On 2019-08-05 15:41:30 -0400 (-0400), Jeremy Freudberg wrote:
Responding to myself with a different approach, as seen elsewhere in the thread. [...]
While I appreciate everyone's innovative ideas for coming up with additional names, the time for adding entries to the list has passed. We need a name for the U cycle, like, yesterday. Not having one is holding up a variety of governance and event planning tasks and generally making things more complicated for everyone involved. There were threads on this mailing list in February and April asking for help putting together a solution. People pitched in and the list Doug sent is what they came up with (minus some which we removed in advance for a variety of reasons). The remaining list still seems to have a number of viable options, and this is the phase where we're asking if anyone objects to any of what's there before we put together a community poll to rank them a few days from now. -- Jeremy Stanley
-- Zhipeng (Howard) Huang Principle Engineer OpenStack, Kubernetes, CNCF, LF Edge, ONNX, Kubeflow, OpenSDS, Open Service Broker API, OCP, Hyperledger, ETSI, SNIA, DMTF, W3C