No, there might be stable branch work, but going forward no additional features or work will be done against master, and I will additionally be retiring associated projects such as openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-ui and code relating to tripleo-ui in puppet-triple and tripleoclient.  I will follow-up on this thread with additional links.


Jason Rist

jrist / knowncitizen


On May 24, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andreas Jaeger <> wrote:

On 5/23/19 10:35 PM, Jason Rist wrote:
Hi everyone - I’m writing the list to announce that we are retiring
TripleO-UI and it will no longer be supported. It’s already deprecated
in Zuul and removed from requirements, so I’ve submitted a patch to
remove all code.

We discussed in IRC briefly, but I like to bring this up here as well:

So, you plan to stop development for tripleo-ui on all stable branches
as well, is that really your intention?

Andreas Jaeger aj@{,} Twitter: jaegerandi
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