Development Focus ----------------- Work on libraries should be wrapping up, in preparation for the various library-related deadlines coming up. Now is a good time to make decisions on deferring feature work to the next development cycle in order to be able to focus on finishing already-started feature work. General Information ------------------- We are now getting close to the end of the cycle, and will be gradually freezing feature work on the various deliverables that make up the OpenStack release. This coming week is the deadline for general libraries (except client libraries): their last feature release needs to happen before "Non-client library freeze" on September 05. Only bugfixes releases will be allowed beyond this point. When requesting those library releases, you can also include the stable/train branching request with the review (as an example, see the "branches" section here: In the next weeks we will have deadlines for: * Client libraries (think python-*client libraries), which need to have their last feature release before "Client library freeze" (September 12) * Deliverables following a cycle-with-rc model (that would be most services), which observe a Feature freeze on that same date, September 12. Any feature addition beyond that date should be discussed on the mailing-list and get PTL approval. As we are getting to the point of creating stable/train branches, this would be a good point for teams to review membership in their $project-stable-maint groups. Once the stable/train branches are cut for a repo, the ability to approve any necessary backports into those branches for train will be limited to the members of that stable team. If there are any questions about stable policy or stable team membership, please each out in the #openstack-stable channel. Finally, now is also a good time to start planning what highlights you want for your deliverables in the cycle highlights. The deadline to submit an initial version for those is set to Feature freeze on September 12. Background on cycle-highlights: Project Team Guide, Cycle-Highlights: knelson [at] on IRC is available if you need help selecting or writing your highlights Upcoming Deadlines & Dates -------------------------- Non-client library freeze: September 05 (R-6 week) Client library freeze: September 12 (R-5 week) Train-3 milestone (feature freeze): September 12 (R-5 week) RC1 deadline: September 26 (R-3 week) Train final release: October 16 Forum+PTG at Shanghai summit: November 4