
I have moved any bug older than 365 days that are in Triaged status to "incomplete".  If you think it should still be addressed just flip the bug back from incomplete back to triaged and add some updated comments.  I'm pretty sure just commenting on the bug will keep it from expiring as well.

Email me directly if you have any questions or concerns about a particular bug.  We're just cleaning up.


1811713,Triaged,in-stable-queens  in-stable-rocky,,"'rocky undercloud fails to install'"
1812640,Triaged,,,"'iptables rules are not host-based when using podman'"
1814250,Triaged,,,"'races condition at os-net-config in overcloud deploy OVB'"
1814880,Triaged,in-stable-queens  in-stable-rocky  queens-backport-potential  rocky-backport-potential,,"'Containerized HAProxy cannot log in a dedicated log file'"
1815134,Triaged,,,"'openstack tripleo deploy stack failures truncate useful error messages'"
1815226,Triaged,,,"'puppet duplicate declaration error'"
1817356,Triaged,ci,,"'tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 check job in RDO is failing on ovb stack cleanup'"
1817552,Triaged,ci,,"'periodic fs021 failing on overcloud deploy'"
1820671,Triaged,ci,,"'No matching service: barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_image_signing.ImageSigningTest'"
1821790,Triaged,,,"'selinux ssh denieals on CentOS/RHEL 8'"
1821854,Triaged,,,"'mistral leaks ssh processes'"
1822540,Triaged,security-hardening,,"'By default show_image_direct_url MUST be set to False'"
1822609,Triaged,,,"'neutron ovs cleanup is docker.service specific'"
1823527,Triaged,dhcp-agent  neutron  unhealthy,,"'neutron's dockers are unhealthy'"
1824993,Triaged,,,"'[network] Ceph monitor doesn't bootstrap in a standalone deployment'"
1825826,Triaged,ci,,"'standalone-upgrade failing during deploy steps for  CalledProcessError: Command '['systemctl', 'stop', u'tripleo_keystone.service']' returned non-zero exit status'"
1826179,Triaged,,,"'standalone-upgrade fails during deploy steps (generate config) step1 for 'Evaluation Error:... Could not find class ::tripleo::profile::base::placement::api' '"
1828172,Triaged,zuul-reproducer,,"'No match for argument: python2-dnf on tripleo reproducer libvirt Fedora 30'"
1828233,Triaged,ci  zuul-reproducer,,"'[reproducer] standalone deploy failed to access mirrors'"
1828276,Triaged,ci,,"'reproducer: still getting permission errors on docker commands by user on centos-7'"
1560111,Triaged,python-tripleoclient,,"'The list of enabled Sahara plugins should be written to the generated deployer-input file'"
1680894,Triaged,containers  validations,,"'RFE: create a validation playbook for  a containerized deployment'"
1705994,Triaged,,,"'openstack overcloud image upload - should support updating specific image '"
1706112,Triaged,composable-roles,,"'Specifying custom flavor for controllers is inconsistent with other roles'"
1709706,Triaged,tripleoclient,,"'Need better client-side error reporting'"
1714214,Triaged,,,"'Lack of documentation about TCP ports used by TripleO Services'"
1714544,Triaged,,,"'cant delete stuck with network-isolation'"
1716391,Triaged,ux,,"'Should be possible to aggregate some Neutron configs across templates'"
1722218,Triaged,workflows,,"'node cleaning to be a part of stack-delete'"
1722558,Triaged,ci,,"'Promoter: identify a way to store privately the secrets used by the promotion server, so they can be used in all the promotion-setup runs'"
1722871,Triaged,ci,,"'Promoter: add more disk space to promoter server'"
1723229,Triaged,containers  validations,,"'[RFE] Deploy should fail much earlier if the container images aren't found'"
1726593,Triaged,,,"'Cinder API v2 support needs to be removed in TripleO'"
1729541,Triaged,,,"' The VIP of OpenDaylight's Neutron Northbound port is configured to listen on Control Plane network'"
1729835,Triaged,,,"'Message formatting issue when retries all fail (introspection)'"
1734158,Triaged,quickstart  ux,,"'Adapt config downloads in quickstart for deployed servers'"
1734947,Triaged,quickstart  tech-debt,,"'RFE: support role data generation in quickstart'"
1736254,Triaged,pike  stable  tripleo  tripleo-heat-templates,,"'Using composable network or custom named network for MysqlNetwork results in deployment failure'"
1736272,Triaged,quickstart,,"'integrate elastic recheck into tempest email results'"
1736499,Triaged,quickstart,,"'quickstart fails with http_proxy'"
1737768,Triaged,ci  quickstart  tech-debt  validations,,"'CI/featureset010: validations aren't fatal'"
1740396,Triaged,,,"'Validation: missing check for HostnameMap'"
1740940,Triaged,,,"'Neutron timeout has different settings on ctrl and comp'"
1741288,Triaged,tripleo-common  tripleoclient  ux  workflows,,"''overcloud node' commands should allow deleting by node name also'"
1741470,Triaged,documentation,,"'Improve docs for manual install on a virtual env'"
1742237,Triaged,,,"'Failure when deploying the overcloud on a predeployed server'"
1743239,Triaged,,,"'deployment failure with external ceph setup'"
1745090,Triaged,,,"'Heat engine resource check failed when adding a node after undercloud newton->ocata->pike->master upgrade'"
1745223,Triaged,quickstart,,"'default reproduce-script to deploy latest code'"
1745225,Triaged,quickstart  ux,,"' should support a mode to tear down without redeployment'"
1745449,Triaged,,,"'neutron interface driver names should use shortnames'"
1745500,Triaged,,,"'pre-provisioned nodes hostnames should not resolve to'"
1746285,Triaged,ci,,"'RFE: measure undercloud puppet install steps and leave artifact'"
1746291,Triaged,ci,,"'RFE: measure the overcloud deployment steps and leave artifact '"
1747606,Triaged,quickstart,,"'undercloud vm - has an unusable dns from the last network, if network > 1'"
1747999,Triaged,containers,,"' config hash update logging is misleading'"
1749435,Triaged,workflows,,"'Node delete always overwrites *RemovalPolicies'"
1749446,Triaged,,,"'Novajoin availability should not impeach deploy'"
1749477,Triaged,quickstart,,"'Quickstart installed undercloud async tasks broken'"
1751929,Triaged,quickstart,,"'Quickstart script kills non-root user processes during initial deploy'"
1752132,Triaged,ui,,"'horizon returns 500 error due to missing heat-dashboard'"
1752427,Triaged,quickstart  tech-debt,,"'containers-check script is installed via pip'"
1752925,Triaged,containers  ux,,"'Deployments with docker containers in unhealthy state should fail deployment'"
1753817,Triaged,ci  quickstart  tech-debt,,"'branch jobs on quickstart/extras/tripleo-ci fail if they depend on a master change in a branched repo'"
1755223,Triaged,,,"'Remove Newton Support from oooq-extras validate-tempest role'"
1756138,Triaged,controller  replace,,"'replace controller fail in build containers in new controller '"
1757211,Triaged,documentation  quickstart  ux,,"'[quickstart] overcloud_as_undercloud needs to be clarified and documented'"
1758324,Triaged,,,"'5 minute delay when provisioning over IPv6'"
1760735,Triaged,ocata-backport-potential  pike-backport-potential  queens-backport-potential  validations,,"'[rfe] validation to check for overcloud node clock sync relative to Undercloud'"
1761504,Triaged,,,"'Worflows 'list' and 'list_groups' from tripleo.validations.v1 don't produce any output'"
1761716,Triaged,pike-backport-potential  queens-backport-potential,,"'docker-puppet puppet-generated dirs not cleaned during rsync'"
1763433,Triaged,ux,,"'Logical puzzles in tripleo CLI'"
1764476,Triaged,upgrade,,"'poor use of variable names in tripleo_upgrade role re: triple_ci variable'"
1765787,Triaged,low-hanging-fruit,,"'01-package-installs should fail the whole image build if it python tracebacks'"
1766199,Triaged,,,"'Link timedatectl to ntp'"
1767125,Triaged,,,"'Compute specific L3 agent no longer required'"
1767132,Triaged,nova,,"'InstanceNameTemplate parameter is not applied  in compute nodes'"
1768092,Triaged,quickstart,,"'improve promoter script error message by including dlrn hash'"
1820576,Triaged,tech-debt,,"'master: Standalone002 job fails, keystone container didn't start because could not bind to address'"
1821419,Triaged,,,"'[Docs] Document Rendering NIC Templates for Customization'"
1821600,Triaged,in-stable-queens  queens-backport-potential,,"'iscsid is not stoped after running FFU'"
1823003,Triaged,in-stable-queens  queens-backport-potential,,"'Queens: epmd process is not always started by systemd when initiating undercloud upgrade'"
1823260,Triaged,,,"'RFE: Provide the ability to retag already existing images in the undercloud registry'"
1823849,Triaged,in-stable-queens  in-stable-rocky  queens-backport-potential  rocky-backport-potential,,"'trck the enablement of deep_compare with puppet-pacemaker on queens and rocky'"
1824143,Triaged,,,"'Cleaning ha-env files for ovn'"
1824186,Triaged,,,"'ansible timeout issue'"
1827724,Triaged,,,"'Podman service is not used in certain NFV roles'"
1828001,Triaged,documentation,,"'heat templates now end in j2.yaml on page Configuring Network Isolation in tripleo-docs'"
1686353,Triaged,quickstart,,"'Proxy Options for TripleO QuickStart'"
1708302,Triaged,,,"'openstack clients which can use ceph, should not need to depend on /etc/ceph'"
1709826,Triaged,ci  documentation  quickstart,,"'Having a README file inside the core roles'"
1721841,Triaged,containers,,"'ceph docker containers do not log to /var/log/containers'"
1723540,Triaged,quickstart,,"'tripleo-quickstart ASCII banner has wrong indentation in logs.o.o'"
1724991,Triaged,ci,,"'tracker - tripleo stack create canceled or timeout in stage 3'"
1739620,Triaged,quickstart,,"'quickstart covers up deficiency in swift logging in standard deployment'"
1746505,Triaged,tripleo-heat-templates,,"'Keystone caching not enabled by default?'"
1746812,Triaged,ci,,"'rdo ovb jobs do not test the change submitted'"
1755368,Triaged,,,"'Missing centos-binary-tacker on'"
1757271,Triaged,containers  low-hanging-fruit,,"'openstack overcloud container image prepare should handle slashes in namespace entries'"
1761093,Triaged,,,"'Upgrade 'Pike BM' -> 'Pike Containers': httpd issue'"
1763089,Triaged,,,"'undercloud vm fails to start properly'"
1769520,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'RFE (reproducer): 'ci dev mode' for iterating on reproducer script/roles'"
1769526,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'RFE (libvirt-reproducer): add param to take an array of DNS ip's vs. singular param'"
1769527,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'RFE (libvirt-reproducer): check for disk space needed as part of initial libvirt-nodepool playbook/role '"
1769529,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'RFE (libvirt-reproducer): handle case where 'stack' user already exists on virthost, script fails'"
1769531,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'RFE (libvirt-reproducer): Display summary of domains + IP's created by script'"
1771470,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'dlrnapi promoter: make output of container existence check more clear'"
1785799,Triaged,ci,,"'Multinode jobs in check pipeline in rdo sf are launched in the wrong nodepool provider'"
1789836,Triaged,,,"'openstack overlay deploy failed with docker error 'not a shared mount''"
1793774,Triaged,,,"'tripleo-docs out of date around containers'"
1795646,Triaged,,,"'When using containerized openshift-ansible, we're losing the profile_tasks output callback'"
1801388,Triaged,,,"'build output is impossible to read due to nested json dumps'"
1801825,Triaged,low-hanging-fruit,,"'Don't quote {posargs} in tox.ini'"
1805186,Triaged,ci,,"'tripleo jobs failing on ImageNotFoundException: Not found image: docker'"
1815208,Triaged,documentation,,"'Security Hardening in tripleo-docs Incorrect indentation in YAML example'"
1819461,Triaged,containers,,"''sudo' calls try to connect to host DBus from within a container'"
1828070,Triaged,low-hanging-fruit,,"'puppet deploy has excessive warnings about unresolved dependencies'"
1397477,Triaged,,,"'rabbitmq-server configure Memory and Disk  limit '"
1594389,Triaged,quickstart,,"'[RFE] Add a squid proxy'"
1604525,Triaged,quickstart,,"'enable selinux enforcing as an option'"
1628518,Triaged,ci,,"'[RFE] add snapshotting functionality'"
1634646,Triaged,,,"'memcache for keystone authtoken should be a single server'"
1639172,Triaged,,,"'Fixed IP assignment to physical node during openstack deployment'"
1641419,Triaged,ui  ux,,"'[RFE]: Better handling of large instackenv.json files'"
1647676,Triaged,quickstart,,"'Make `--teardown none` the default behavior'"
1647761,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'No overcloud-public-vip in /etc/hosts on undercloud vm'"
1649813,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'Use predictable placement by default'"
1650428,Triaged,,,"'RFE: support of ScaleIO backend for Cinder'"
1654198,Triaged,,,"'Multiple backends of the same type can not be used in cinder/manila'"
1659452,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'[RFE] split out topology and provisioner details from the general config'"
1663025,Triaged,edge  quickstart,,"'[RFE] Add per-node network-to-NIC mapping'"
1663034,Triaged,quickstart,,"'[RFE] Enable and configure DHCP relay on virt-host'"
1664743,Triaged,quickstart,,"'[RFE] Support Mixed Virt/Bare Metal Environments'"
1666916,Triaged,low-hanging-fruit  quickstart,,"'[quickstart][RFE] Add configuration for multi-nic network isolation'"
1693928,Triaged,,,"'Support split RPC/notification messaging backends'"
1694773,Triaged,quickstart,,"'[RFE][Quickstart] Update to display relevant info after deploying to RDO Cloud'"
1698302,Triaged,,,"'RFE - Use an options file for deployment'"
1729452,Triaged,,,"'[RFE] TripleO should report IP addresses used on each host post-deployment'"
1731973,Triaged,ui  ux,,"'[RFE] Simplify create/import plan modal'"
1731989,Triaged,ui  ux,,"'[RFE] Automatically introspect and provide nodes to simplify workflow'"
1782139,Triaged,edge  upgrade  ux,,"'[RFE] support automatic t-h-t decoupling and versioning for mixed UC/OC cases (git integration for deployment plans and tht)'"
1789197,Triaged,,,"'Adding THT support for Cinder backup Google cloud driver'"
1812205,Triaged,containers,,"'ContainerImagePrepare: ability to override specific container images'"
1815918,Triaged,,,"'[RFE]u00a0DeployedServer - Create neutron ports on ctlplane instead of using a fake port and DeployedServerPortMap'"
1817364,Triaged,,,"'tripleo-build-containers: use quickstart to collect logs'"
1818503,Triaged,ci  quickstart,,"'[RFE] Make the configuration of quickstart variable-centric'"