Hi all, Ironic is one of the major offenders remaining in the work to cleanup Zuul config errors. To resolve these issues, it's my plan to retire any impacted branches unless a contributor volunteers to clean them up. I will give folks until at least September 1, 2023, to object before I begin to take action. These branches have been broken for at least one year, and have gotten no patches or releases in that time. It's clear they have little need to continue existing. Please look at https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/config-errors for the full list of potentially impacted branches; I will list here as best I can: openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter - bugfix/2.1 - stable/train openstack/networking-generic-switch - stable/pike - stable/train - stable/ussuri - stable/victoria - stable/wallaby - stable/xena openstack/python-ironicclient - stable/train - stable/ussuri - stable/victoria - stable/wallaby - stable/xena - Note: stable/yoga is also in the config errors list, but is considered maintained and cannot be retired at this time. I will work to remove failing jobs and get this zuul config fixed manuallt. As an additional note, the following branches were retired months ago, but due to a bug were recreated. They have been fully deleted (again): openstack/ironic-python-agent - bugfix/8.0 openstack/ironic - bugfix/18.0