Hello Stackers, Thank you for your help in transitioning the Yoga series to Unmaintained status. We want to stress that there is a global openstack-unmaintained-core team that, by default, has merge permissions on *all* branches in the unmaintained/* namespace. Therefore, you do *not* need to create a specific core group for your project's unmaintained branches. The aim of Unmaintained status is to free up project teams from worrying about the maintenance of old branches. Thus, by design, project core teams do not have merge powers on these branches. Instead, the merry group of stalwart volunteers who have an interest in keeping legacy branches open have taken on this responsibility. If you are interested in helping to keep Unmaintained branches alive, reach out to the openstack-unmaintained-core team members [0] and let them know your interest. They will also be following up with an email, sometime this week, outlining how to join them. To summarize: you should only create your own separate group if you want to maintain the unmaintained branches yourself and don't want the larger group to do it for you. Otherwise you have no such obligation. If you are interested in helping with the unmaintained branches, it will help the community more if you join the global team instead creating your own. Finally, anyone can propose patches to an unmaintained branch, and can +1 or -1 reviews, just like for any other branch. So there's plenty you can do even without being part of an unmaintained-core team. Thanks for your attention to this email! [0] https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/4d728691952c04b8b2ec828eabc96b98dc12...