Hi all, We are looking for participation & presenters, contributors form different OpenStack and adjacent projects in Open Infrastructure , k8s, CNCF, OPNFV, ONAP, OCN etc. Please register in etherpad and review for anything you like to share wrt user level API for Multi Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Edge cloud Interop capability or compatibility. The bridge will be tested this Friday May 29th before we finalize the location or bridge, Add you name topic and your inputs for rapid delivery slots of say 5-10 mts each on June 1st. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/interop_virtual_ptg_planning_june_2020 Schedule June 1 (UTC 13-15 hrs = 6AM-8 AM PDT = 9AM-11 AM EST = 9PM-11PM BJT) First hr will focus on Project team like Nova, Neutron, Ciner, Keystone, Glance & Swift.Second Hour - Open for new ideas Additionally we would like ambassadors who can register and attend other Virtual PTG projects and provide us feedback after attending them as what they can provide to us for Interop WG from all other projects. ThanksFor Interop WGChair PrakashVice Chair Mark