Hello there,
My name is Tao Xiao, Assistant Professor at Kyushu University (Japan), and togather with a team from Canada and China. Our research specifically investigates cross-project flakiness by analyzing information available on the Gerrit Code Review platform. Through our study, we have observed a significant number of flaky tests spanning multiple OpenStack projects and categorized several potential causes behind this phenomenon.
Our next step is to validate our empirical findings and gather real developers' perceptions to improve the OpenStack ecosystem through a developer survey. If you have at most 10 minutes, we have designed a simple survey to capture your perceptions. The survey link is here: https://forms.gle/dUMWRL8MNALQE6kG8
This questionnaire is totally anonymized, and the survey was approved by the Kyushu University, Japan ethics board (2024-26).
Again, thank you so much for your time, and please feel free to contact us for more information.
Tao Xiao on Behalf of Our Team
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University, Japan
Team Members and their homepages:
Tao Xiao – https://tao-xiao.github.io/
Dong Wang – https://dong-w.github.io/
Shane McIntosh – https://shanemcintosh.org/
Hideaki Hata – https://hideakihata.github.io/
Yasutaka Kamei – https://posl.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~kamei/