I would also consider checking the number of RPC workers you have in neutron.conf, this is maybe a better option to increase this before the comnection pool params.
Also, check your database, is it under load?
Updating agent state should not be long.
ArnaudLe 24 janvier 2022 10:42:00 GMT+01:00, "Md. Hejbul Tawhid MUNNA" <munnaeebd@gmail.com> a écrit :Hi,Currently we have running 500+VM and total network is 383 including HA-network.Can you advice the appropriate value and is there any chance of service impact?Should we change the configuration in the neutron.conf on controller node?Regards,MunnaOn Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 2:47 PM Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote:Hi,
On poniedziałek, 24 stycznia 2022 09:09:10 CET Md. Hejbul Tawhid MUNNA wrote:
> Hi,
> Suddenly we have observed few VM down . then we have found some agent are
> getting down (XXX) , agents are getting UP and down randomly. Please check
> the attachment.
> /////////////////////// /sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 788, in _checkout\n
> fairy =
> _ConnectionRecord.checkout(pool)\n', u' File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 532, in
> checkout\n rec = pool._do_get()\n', u' File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 1186, in
> _do_get\n (self.size(), self.overflow(), self._timeout),
> code="3o7r")\n', u'TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 50
> reached, connection timed out, timeout 30 (Background on this error at:
> http://sqlalche.me/e/3o7r)\n'].
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent Traceback (most
> recent call last):
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/agent/l3/agent.py", line 837, in
> _report_state
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent True)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron/agent/rpc.py", line 97, in
> report_state
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent return
> method(context, 'report_state', **kwargs)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/client.py", line 179,
> in call
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent
> retry=self.retry)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/transport.py", line 133,
> in _send
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent retry=retry)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py",
> line 645, in send
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent
> call_monitor_timeout, retry=retry)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py",
> line 636, in _send
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent raise result
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent RemoteError:
> Remote error: TimeoutError QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 50 reached,
> connection timed out, timeout 30 (Background on this error at:
> http://sqlalche.me/e/3o7r)
> 2022-01-24 01:05:39.592 302841 ERROR neutron.agent.l3.agent [u'Traceback
> (most recent call last):\n', u' File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py", line 163,
> in _process_incoming\n res = self.dispatcher.dispatch(message)\n', u'
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py",
> line 265, in dispatch\n return self._do_dispatch(endpoint, method, ctxt,
> args)\n', u' File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py", line
> 194, in _do_dispatch\n
> ////
> Is there anything related with the following default configuration.
> /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
> #max_pool_size = 5
> #max_overflow = 50
Yes. You probably have busy environment and You need to increase those values
to have more connections from the neutron server to the database.
> regards,
> Munna
Slawek Kaplonski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat