Hey folks,
I've been serving as the Security SIG chair for over 4 years now and throughout my entire time as chair I've had the wonderful experience of learning and working alongside several excellent individuals. It also has given me the great opportunity to have multiple discussions on the topic of security with the community as a whole which helped me grow my knowledge base and career.
However, with my focus shifting away from pure OpenStack work and the rather long time that 4 years is, I believe it's time for someone with a fresh perspective to have the opportunity to step into the role and help guide the Security SIG into the future. I am stepping down from the role of Security SIG chair as of today, but I plan on sticking around in the SIG for as long as I can. I hope to continue contributing when I can and I will be around to help anyone who is interested in the role of chair.
I'd like to give a big thank you to Jeremy Stanley (fungi) for all the help he provided throughout my time as chair and continues to do so to this day whenever I have a question and need help. He helped me step into the chair role and I am sure he will also help anyone who is interested in the role as well.
Thanks again for the opportunity and I hope to see you all around!
- Gage Hugo